Our local locksmith service office is located at:
902 Kitty Hawk Rd #148
Universal City TX 78148
Locksmith Universal City TX is the company to use when you need a locksmith nearby you for your house or apartment. And we're open 24 hours every day of the year ready to help you, anytime day or night.
We can help you with that. Just give us a call to 210-706-0383 and we can have a locksmith nearby your house or apartment go there and provide you with lockout service.
Where they unlock the door for you and once the door is unlocked, if you have lost the keys they can either do a door lock replacement or rekey lock for you.
Either one of the services you pick (to replace or to rekey lock) will leave you with replacement key and will render the lost keys unuseable.
The main difference is when you have us rekey lock for you, the hardware parts of your door lock are not replaced.
So just give us a call right away if you need lockout service.
When you have us do the door lock replacement service for you. Our locksmith will replace the door lock with a new one. This will make all parts new, including the key. This gives you a replacement key if you lost your keys and where locked out of house.
We can unlock, rekey, repair or replace your deadbolt lock too. And we have a wide variety of lock options for your house or apartment. Everything from kwikset locks, all the way to smartphone enabled keyless door lock options.
This will be useful when you want to upgrade your door and deadbolt lock combination with an easier option like a smartphone enabled or other type of keyless door lock.
Which will change your house or apartment locks and make it so when you go to open the door lock you either use your smartphone, a number combination or your thumbprint.
Make sure to gives us a call to 210-706-0383 every time you need a locksmith nearby your house or apartment. For things like door lock replacement using kwikset locks, or just providing lockout service to get you back in your house after locking your keys.
We are open 24 hours a day every day of the year, so it doesn't matter when or what time you need us; we will be there for you ready to help you with all your locksmith service needs.